My photo
Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, United States
My world consists of my boys and their women in their lives. My grandchildren, who bring such joy to my life. My pets, who I adore very much and love watching them interact with each other. My hubby, Chuck, and his passion, Stampede Band. Plus, any ramblings I want to do. So, I hope you enjoy your visit into "My World" through my eyes.

February 16, 2007

Weather Underground

I found this on someone else's blog and checked it out. I thought this was pretty interesting. Hope you all think so too.

February 15, 2007

Milk Is A Skin's Miracle

If Cleopatra indulged in all the beauty treatments attributed to her, she wouldn't have had time to rule her empire, seduce Mark Antony, or learn Egyptian. But a girl's gotta bathe, so the one skin-smoother she probably did rely on-milk baths-no doubt helped her bring Caesar and Mark to heel. Did Cleo know something we've forgotten? Actually, yes.
"Milk is a super soother for chapping, windburn, sunburn, eczema, and other skin irritations," says New York dermatologist Amy Wechsler, MD. "It contains proteins (whey and casein), fat, amino acids, lactic acid, and vitamins A and D, all of which calm dry, upset skin."
Dr. Wechsler suggests applying compresses dipped in cool milk for irritations like sunburn and eczema. But be sure to use whole milk; skim won't do because it doesn't contain fat, one of milk's most soothing components. If compresses aren't practical-say, you've managed to broil the backs of your legs on a beach getaway-a milk bath will give you some relief: Add 2 to 4 cups to a warm (not hot) tub and soak for 20 minutes. You can use powdered whole milk too. Sprinkle the amount of powder needed to make a quart of milk under the faucet as the water flows out.
Milky baths also soften skin, according to Wechsler. Milk's lactic acid weakens the "glue" that lets dead, ready-to-be-shed cells stick to the skin's surface, making it look dull and dry. Soak for 15 minutes, then give your body a gentle neck-to-toe scrubdown with a bath brush, loofah, or washcloth. This will slough off those dead cells, leaving skin smoother and softer.
Not quite sure about pouring a quart of milk into the tub? The beauty people have visited the dairy too. For instance, Fresh Milk Formula Bath Foam ($35 for 15.8 oz at contains milk as well as shea butter and glycerine. But if your skin is very irritated or totally winter-whipped, says Wechsler, try the real thing. It should leave your whole body feeling creamy.

Foods that will calm you fast......

Holiday bills arriving in heaps? Lurking taxes turning up the tension? No Valentine in sight? Regardless of the cause, there's an almost Alice in Wonderland counter-intuitiveness to the goodies we turn to for comfort. Instead of soothing our frayed nerves, many of them ultimately make us feel worse.
Take the classic-curling up with a pint of ice cream. It's a total backfire. Why? Sweets are insidious: After the initial rush, the body's insulin response kicks in, causing a sudden blood sugar drop that triggers the release of stress hormones. Soon you're feeling more jangled than you were before you inhaled that whole container of Chunky Monkey. And alcohol, of course, is a wolfish stimulant in calm sheep's clothing.
But true comfort foods do exist.
1. Berries, any berries
Eat them one by one instead of M&Ms when the pressure's on. For those tough times when tension tightens your jaw, try rolling a frozen berry around in your mouth. And then another, and another. Since the carbs in berries turn to sugar very slowly, you won't have a blood sugar crash. The bonus: They're a good source of vitamin C, which helps fight a jump in the stress hormone cortisol
2. Guacamole
If you're craving something creamy, look no further. Avocados are loaded with B vitamins, which stress quickly depletes and which your body needs to maintain nerves and brain cells. Plus their creaminess comes from healthy fat. Scoop up the stuff with whole-grain baked chips-crunching keeps you from gritting your teeth.
3. Mixed nuts
Just an ounce will help replace those stress-depleted Bs (walnuts), give you a whopping amount of zinc (Brazil nuts)-it's also drained by high anxiety-and boost your E (almonds), which helps fight cellular damage linked to chronic stress. Buy nuts in the shell and think of it as multi-tasking: With every squeeze of the nutcracker, you're releasing a little bit of tension.
4. Oranges
People who take a 1,000 mg of C before giving a speech have lower levels of cortisol and lower blood pressure than those who don't. So lean back, take a deep breath, and concentrate on peeling a large orange. The 5-minute mindfulness break will ease your mind and you'll get a bunch of C as well.
5. Asparagus
Each tender stalk is a source of folic acid, a natural mood-lightener. Dip the spears in fat-free yogurt or sour cream for a hit of calcium with each bite.
6. Chai tea
A warm drink is a super soother, and curling up with a cup of aromatic decaf chai tea (Tazo makes ready-to-brew bags) can make the whole evil day go away.
7. Dark chocolate
Okay, there's nothing in it that relieves stress, but when only chocolate will do, reach for the dark, sultry kind that's at least 70% cocoa. You figure if the antioxidant flavonoids in it are potent enough to fight cancer and heart disease, they've got to be able to temper tension's effects.

Timothy's mean look, Make my Day!

Timothy has some of the funniest expressions! And what makes it funnier still is the fact that the meanest expressions don't seem to be provoked by anything!

Here's what I was talking about with Timothy's cute expressions. You can't help smiling at him when he is so darn cute!

Leanna's Valentine Gift to her Mommy, Steph

Leanna made me a card that she lost, and a painting, and tonight she made me this heart out of marshmellows and candy cane bits. Very sweet.

She is so sweet and I'm sure it tasted sweet too!

Jonathan Enjoying the Snow, also!

Here is Jonathan helping shoveling snow, while his Dada is shoveling too. He loves the snow from when he was out visiting his grandparents in Michigan.

Here is Jonathan With his Dada, John...

Jonathan is such a sweet little boy. I don't get to see him too much like I want too. He is 2 yr. old, also.

He enjoys spending time with his Dada as he calls him. Right now his father, John is attending school for HVAC at night and watching him during the day so his mommy, Jamie can work. John lost his job a few months ago due to closing their doors. It is really helping Jonathan and John develope a father/son relationship.

Here is Tom, their father....

Tom is making a Valentine Dinner on the grill for his wife, Steph. He is cooking sausage, yummy! That is very nice of him to do that for his wife. One less mess for her to cleanup. Especially, when they are expecting their fourth child in July.

He is enjoying his day off from work with his family to play in the snow too.

I really wish he would give up that nasty habit of smoking. I'm sure his wife would agree!

Here is My Youngest Grandson, Timothy....

Here is Timothy, my youngest grandson thus far, he is 1 yr. old. He isn't too sure about the snow in the first two pictures.

His mommy, Steph had to make some noises with her feet in the snow to get him to smile.

He has cutest expressions I have ever seen in a little child.

The snow is a little strange looking and very cold to him at this young age, but he will enjoy it like his older brother and sister.

My Grandson, Justin playing in the snow.....

Justin seems to really love the snow. He is Leanna's brother, he is 2yr. old. He's got this infectious laugh, that when he laughs you just have to laugh with him.

He is my little trouble maker and my little Tommy all over again. Tom is his father and my youngest son.

He has a way of getting into trouble, just by being a playful little boy.

He is our Holy Terror!

My Granddaughter, Leanna Rose enjoying the snow!

Here is my beautiful granddaughter Leanna Rose, she is 5 yr. old and she really loves the snow. She finally got her first snow day to enjoy the snow. She will get another one today, for as schools are closed around here again.

She is such a pretty little girl. I wish I could see her playing in the snow.

February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day, what did you do or get your sweetie?

Chuck got me a box of heart chocolate and a nice card. I just got him a card and I'll make him a steak dinner, his favorite food.

I would like to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to JAMIE. She is a very sweet person.

Today, was a very snowy & cold day to stay inside and play games, which I did with my girlfriend Linda. She was bored and so was I, so I walked to her house and we played Canasta. It is a really good card game. Linda hadn't played it in a long time, but she did very well. She almost kicked my butt, LOL!

What did you all do today?

Poor Chuck had to drive to work and open. They stayed open until 2:00 PM. He said they had a really good sale today. I said what did you do, $25.30. I laughed so hard, cuz it cost more for the store to be open, than what they brought in.

February 13, 2007

It Is Finally Winter.....

Feb. 13, 2007 and it's finally snowing, YIPPEE!!

We will see tomorrow on how much snow we will really get after all. I want a foot of snow and a few days off from school guarding.

I won't get to test out my car tomorrow cause I let my son Bill borrow my car so he could go to work. He smashed his truck last year, so he has been driving my mom's old car. I guess it isn't very good in bad weather. So, hopefully I won't have to go out tomorrow.

February 3, 2007

Cleaning our bedroom

Saturday has been a good day to clean the bedroom and change it around. It is taking me all day to do it because I have to take so many breaks, to get refreshed. I love my bedroom furniture, but it is too big for our room, or our room is just too small for the furniture, LOL. I get so tired of having the room the same way all the time, I need a change.

When I was a young wife, Chuck would always come home once a week to things all switched around. There were times he would forget that I changed the room around and try to sit down where the chair or sofa used to be. Back then we didn't have computers so we mainly lived in the living room watching tv or playing music. There were times we would even play a game or two. What happened to those fun times, with just spending time with each other. Now the computers occupy our times.

Families need to get in touch with each other again.

February 2, 2007

Where is The Snow?

Today is February 2nd and we were supposed to get some snow. Where is the snow? The kids are so disappointed that we didn't get any snow during the night so they could finally have a day off and play in the snow. This winter has been unbelievable, the weather I mean. We haven't gotten any measurable snow so the kids can play in it.

I feel sorry for the kids this year so far....NO SNOW!

My grandkids are waiting impatiently for it to arrive. Leanna got so excited the other day when she saw it snowing so she can go out and play in it. Then she awoke in the morning and they didn't get off from school to enjoy it. What a BIG disappointment for her. Plus, she has 2 little brothers that don't remember the snow, so she wanted to show them what you do in the snow.

Hopefully soon we will get some snow to enjoy the look of a real winter. I love looking at the trees after a nice snowfall with the snow clinging to the branches. The trees are so beautiful, don't you think. Rather than looking at dead looking trees, they seem to come to life with the blanket of white on them.