My photo
Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, United States
My world consists of my boys and their women in their lives. My grandchildren, who bring such joy to my life. My pets, who I adore very much and love watching them interact with each other. My hubby, Chuck, and his passion, Stampede Band. Plus, any ramblings I want to do. So, I hope you enjoy your visit into "My World" through my eyes.

March 9, 2007

My mom, pap-pap, & nana

Speaking of grandparents here is a picture of them with my mom. Steph's mom, said how she had a wonderful grandmother, well let me tell you my grandmother was a very special lady too. She too had a lot of love in her little body. She loved her 2 grandkids a lot, which was my brother and me. She was a very wise woman.

Her and I were very close. I loved to listen to her talk about the olden days, when she and my pap-pap first met. She was 14 yrs old when she met my pap-pap and he was 18 yrs old. They wanted to get married from the first time they layed eyes on each other. Everytime they made a decision to get married someone else would do it. Then they would have to wait, again. They went together for 9 yrs and then they went and got secretively married, because they both got tired of waiting. My nana would wear her wedding ring around her neck on a chain, so noone would know they got married. Well, one day she forgot to take it off when she came to the dinner table and her sister saw it and YELLED, Elizabeth got married. Well, the cat was out of the bag then.

Her parents were angry, but what could they do she was of age. So, my grandparents decided to get a place of their own and that was history.

My nana used to tell me how much my pap-pap made in his first paycheck back then. How much their rent was on an apartment. What a loaf of bread and milk cost. It is so strange to hear how cheap things were back then and how life was so much simpler.

Our precious times with our grandparents were the picnics in their backyard. Play quoits, beanbags, card games, and music, while my pap-pap cooked on the grill. My nana, my mom, and me would rock on the glider together. I would do all the pushing while they lifted their feets. I liked to rock fast where they liked to rock slow. I rocked to hard that we had this red rocker that had iron legs. They had it a long time, until I began rocking on it, when I was a teen and broke it. I thought my pap-pap would have gotten mad at me because I broke it, but he didn't. He said of well it lasted a long time, and that was all he said. Picnics were never the same without that red rocker.

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