My photo
Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, United States
My world consists of my boys and their women in their lives. My grandchildren, who bring such joy to my life. My pets, who I adore very much and love watching them interact with each other. My hubby, Chuck, and his passion, Stampede Band. Plus, any ramblings I want to do. So, I hope you enjoy your visit into "My World" through my eyes.

April 29, 2008

I'm sorry Steph for stealing your pictures, but I could not help myself.

I like to say a BIG thank you, to my daughter-in-law Stephanie, for taking such wonderful pictures of their adventure at Tom's friend's house, whom I named Uncle Jerry. Tom and Jerry have been friends since they were 15 years old. Jerry and Tommy were inseparable when they were in 9th-12th grade. They were always sleeping either at Jerry's or my house. Tom loved going to Jerry's because he lived in Williams Township and there was always something to do. Jerry is a big old country boy from as far as he could walk, from a little tike. You could never take the country out of Jerry, from his slang country talking jive to his country walking walk. He is one in a million.

Some day I would love to see his home in the country.

If you want to see more of the pics and a video from their day at Uncle Jerry's. Go to Steph's Blog. There is a link on my home page.

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