Let me explain why I wrote this letter then you will understand. You know how cities have these banners that hang from telephone poles or light poles that read what city you're in, i.e. Welcome to Allentown, Easton, or Wilson Borough. Well, Palmer Township had these very UGLY brown banners that you really couldn't read, until you were on top of them or almost past them. They also advertised the businesses that their community offered. An article was in The Express-Times yesterday about the new banners they put up and an electronic sign added where an old sign was at 25th & Northampton St. intersection.
If you click on the title you will read what yesterday's article said and why I wrote this letter.
I really like the new banners and electronic sign at 25th and Northampton streets. I do agree with Lauren Powell ("New sign, banners decorate Palmer," May 30) about the colors of the old banners. By the time you saw the names of the businesses you drove right past them. I always wondered why they were brown and not the colors of Palmer Township. I grew up in Palmer and its colors were always green and white.
Now I am a Wilsonian and I really think our borough would benefit with new banners to advertise the businesses in Wilson. Some people don't even know of the different businesses we offer our community. Same with an electronic sign by Meuser Park to advertise special events that go on in the borough and park.
Well done! I am proud to say I grew up in Palmer Township.
HUH. I made a comment on this post the other day. Today I look and it's not there. HUH.
What I said was that I like that new electronic sign, but am worried that they have messages on it that are too long. I'm afraid that people may pay too much attention to reading the sign and miss what's going on in traffic!
Yes, I saw that the other day. The sign was way to bright and people were driving a trying to read it. You can really only read it if you are stopped at the red light.
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