My grandmother used to give me perms because I had poker straight hair. You couldn't do anything with it and it wouldn't hold a curl in just plain curlers. I was about 5 years old.

In this picture I was about 1 year old. As you can see I enjoyed swinging and rocking, even to this day.

Here is Leanna at the age of 8. I am comparing pictures of her and I, as people keep telling me she and I look alike. The next picture is of me at the age of 9 in my grandparent's backyard.

What do you people think, Do we or Don't we look alike? That is the BIG question.
I look at that picture of me in the swing and I see Timothy. How about you, Steph. Who do you see?
My sister-in-law, Jan posted this comment to me in my email, so I thought I copy and paste it in here for all you to read. & my kids have always thought leanna looks so much like you....unreal how much....almost like she is your little girl! I think it is so neat looking at old pics...that is one thing I have to do...pull out jason's pics & compare to aidan....i wish it would snow so I would sit inside & do that! jan
I wish the pictures weren't so small Sue, you could see better then. But I can see similarities. The thing is, you look at Leanna, and it just reminds you (or should I just say "I look at Leanna") of you (her Nanny Sue).
My sister-in-law, Jan lives in Florida now, so that is why she wished it would snow, because that is when she would sit to do things that has been waiting to get done. With the beautiful weather and things to do down there she doesn't sit inside to work on projects that have been put on a back burner, so to speak.
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