Look how many people have addictions to soda. Soda contains 8 teaspoons of added sugar, which is about 33 grams and 130 calories per can. I just read my Wild Cherry Pepsi and this is what is in it, calories-160, total fat-0, sodium 30mg, total carbs-42g, sugars-42g, protein-0g, total carbs is 14% and sodium is 1%.
Wow, I just read my two cans of diet soda that I have here, Diet Mug & Diet Crush Orange. Diet Mug contains 65mg of sodium=3% and no sugars, fat, protein, or calories. Diet Crush Orange contains 70mg=3% of sodium, 6g=2% of total carbs, 5g of sugar and calories is 25.
Wow, amazing and they call it diet!Well, I just learn a very important thing by reading these labels, today. Bottle water for me.
I really don't drink much diet soda, only when I go out to hear Chuck play in the band or when I play with my Shuffle Board League. From now on though, I will ask for bottle water and if they don't have it then I will ask for tap water with ice.
I had to add this after I first posted this post......I went to Giant and checked out Mountain Dew soda regular and diet. Here is what I found.....Reg. Mountain Dew has 160 calories, 65mg sodium-3%, 47g carbs-15%, and 47g sugar. Diet Mountain Dew has 50mg sodium-2%. Too much salt and sugar in this soda.
The reason why I checked Mountain Dew is because I was always told that soda is the worse soda on the market, if you want to be healthy.
We've banned sugar, artificial sweeteners, simple carbohydrates, and dairy. The kids are doing great! As close to the earth as possible is the new motto!
This is from my niece, Jennifer, in Ohio.
One never thinks to check what they are eating!!!Have a friend who is diabetic and she could not figure out why her sugar keep jumping around, she was eating corn flakes for breakfast---well she quit that and her sugar soon started to be stable!!!Corn flakes--would you believe that.I finally got her to read labels!!!!
This is from my friend, Ruthie, in Oil City, PA
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