Patches is doing so well, since having her eye removed yesterday. Last night she was in some pain because she was whining and acting lethargic. When I awoke this morning and came down to her cage she was so happy to see me again.
I got a good close up of what her eye looks like now, all stitched closed. The stitches will dissolve themselves, so that is a good thing. I couldn't imagine taking them out in a sensitive area like the eye.
She is my little one-eyed bandit now. She is still a cutie.
She sat so good for me so I could take her pictures. She really is a good and loving dog. I never have ever been so close to an animal as her. She loves to give me hugs.
sue...poor little patches....her eye looks so sore...but i'm sure it will be fine....she still is a least she has a good could have been worse...she could have lost both eyes....i'm sure she'll do just fine with one eye...just keep her away from those other her....I don't want her playing with those others dogs...they might hurt her be careful with her now.......poor little doggie....give her a hug & kiss from me.
love, jan
Poor thing, I feel sorry for your little pooch.
If ever you're interested, I would love to showcase her on one of my blogs "Love is a Four-Legged Word" - check it out and let me know.
Good luck to her and you.
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