I want the construction & remodeling to increase, so my son has work to supply for his family and for my hubby, so he can sell more paint to supply for us. I want people to be able to afford to by a new car to keep my oldest son working to make them beautiful for them. So all in all I want all us American people to be able to work here in America to keep America vibrant again.
Something has to change because it isn't working the way it's going. One party blames the other party. Why can't they all just work together.
1 comment:
Hi!!!! Yes, Sue, all I want to see is those who have elected to do the job of running this country, stops all the crap and starts thinking about ----of the people--- by the people and for the people!!! We maybe the greatest nation in this world, but we are getting farther and farther away from who and what and why those in control are not thinking about the future and what is going to be good for everyone one. We did not get in this mess over night and we can not keep supporting the rest of the world and forgetting about those who needs are greatest here. I just pray that we have not drifted too far from ----in God we trust!!! Ruthie
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