My photo
Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, United States
My world consists of my boys and their women in their lives. My grandchildren, who bring such joy to my life. My pets, who I adore very much and love watching them interact with each other. My hubby, Chuck, and his passion, Stampede Band. Plus, any ramblings I want to do. So, I hope you enjoy your visit into "My World" through my eyes.

April 28, 2011

Recipes Using Corn Flakes

I hope this is a help to some people that don't know what to do with their corn flakes or cheerios cereal. I have used oatmeal as a filler for my meat-loaf, when I ran out of bread crumbs, and it tasted so moist, I couldn't believe it. So, from now on it will be oatmeal instead of bread crumbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue, that's just how those oatmeal-blueberry pancakes I made tasted, not dry in the least. I also used gluten-free all purpose flour, the flavor was boosted by the oatmeal. I never heard of using oatmeal in meatloaf, thanks 4 that tip!