Well, it was a nice time down at the W.E.A.A. There were a lot of people there enjoying the night. The jukebox was open to play any song you wanted. The floor was crowded with the older people dancing. To my surprise Chuck even did the twist, but he had lots of beer in him by that time, to dance the twist. He even crawled off the dance floor, on his hands and knees to the bar, LOL! What a sight that was to behold! Friends of ours, Donna & Ken, Linda & Ron, and Linda & Fred all laughed at that sight.
They had good eats for all of us. Sausage sandwiches, luncheon meats, cheese, rolls, veggie tray, macaroni salad, potato salad, cookie tray and chips & pretzels. We all enjoyed the good food.
But as usual, Chuck and I started the new year with a bang, a fight. Nothing new for us. Why should it be any different than other years. But it is always my fault. And why is that? It's never the man's fault, especially when I only had 3 fuzzy navels all night long and they weren't strong at all. I made sure I didn't drink a lot because I was drinking. Chuck had way too much for both of us, if you know what I mean.
I don't like to drink too much and especially on New Year's Eve, when there are extra police out that night for all the drunks.
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