My photo
Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, United States
My world consists of my boys and their women in their lives. My grandchildren, who bring such joy to my life. My pets, who I adore very much and love watching them interact with each other. My hubby, Chuck, and his passion, Stampede Band. Plus, any ramblings I want to do. So, I hope you enjoy your visit into "My World" through my eyes.

May 31, 2007

Timothy, our miniature Chuck.

Only if Timothy had on a shirt, tie, and sweatervest with those shorts he would look like his pop-pop Chuck.
I just think he is so darn cute with those hands in his pockets.

The Grandpops, Dave and Chuck

Dave was relaxing before he was to go to work and Chuck was relaxing from a day of work. I remember when I was a child and early in my marriage where businesses were closed on Holidays and Sundays. Too bad it isn't like that now. Our country, needs to go back to that, so people can spend time with their families and worshiping God.

May 29, 2007

The Baby Rabbit

Well, Tom and Steph have another litter of baby rabbits on Sunday. Our Patches loved running around their cage chasing the big rabbits. They are so cute.

Part of my family.

Here is me in my cast. Can't wait until June 5th, then it is bye-bye cast, YIPPE!

Billy, his friend Cindy is sitting next to him, but she doesn't like her picture taken, either. So we didn't get her, maybe next time. Look out Cindy!

Here is Tom and his wife Stephanie, she is expecting number four and their third son. I'm glad it's them and not me, LOL.

Everyone just loved her at the picnic.

At first Timothy was scared of our little Patches, but he warmed up to her at the end of the day.

Leanna loved to hold her and Tom liked putting her over his head and tease her

Patches, our new puppy.

She is so cute and adorable.

She hates to be brushed, but she will have to get used to it. I'll have to get a softer brush so she doesn't get scared.

The Grandmothers, Alanna and Sue

Memorial Day 2007 at Tom and Steph's house for a picnic.

Don't we look like the perfect grandmothers?

The boys finishing touch after their haircut.

Aren't the boys so handsome after their haircut?

Timothy looks like a little man with his hands in his pockets. What a cutie!

I guess I'm a little prejudice, since I'm their Nanny Sue.

Timothy's First Haircut and Brother Justin

Timothy looks so cute on the elephant at Kids Cut.

Justin was looking at his hair falling while he is getting it cut.

May 27, 2007


Dutchess always loved laying in her daddy's recliner, because she couldn't climb up on the couch anymore.

She had to be the center of attention and if she wasn't she made her way in.

Here she is laying by the heater but it is turned off, because our grandkids were visiting that day.

She was the apple in Nanny Jarrell's eyes.

More pics of Dutchess with her pet family

Here favorite pasttime was sleeping as she grew older.

But give her snow and she came alive like a puppy again.


One of our family dogs, Dutchess, our golden retriever went to doggie heaven. She would have been 11 years old on July 13th. Here are so cute pics of her and her best bud Cody, our yellow lab.

She loved playing with Cody and laying with him on the couch. She was the queen of the household.

It was always fun to watch them in the snow together. Cody and Dutchess loved the snow, but Cody hated getting wet in the rain, go figure. I thought labs are suppose to love water, not Cody. Dutchess loved all kinds of weather especially sun bathing in the sun. She loved heat. She would lay by the electric heater in the winter time next to her daddy, Chuck.

We miss her so much! We love you Dutchess. Love Mommy and Daddy

May 19, 2007

Hand Surgery

Just wanted to let you all know my left hand is finally in a nice pretty pink cast. I got most of the kids I cross to sign it. It will stay on until June 5th, then I go for therapy, YUK. That is painful to get it back to working again, but it is worth it in the end.

Homemade Oreo Cookies

Here is a link to making your own homemade OREO cookies. They sure look good!

May 5, 2007

Left Hand Surgery

Hello all, just wanted to let you know that I won't be doing any posting for awhile, due to me having left hand surgery on Monday. Last June I had my right hand done and now it's time for me to have my left hand done. I was due to have it done when school got out, but I am in too much pain anymore, so why put it off any longer. I hope it goes as well as my right hand did. My concern is I'm left handed and I won't be able to do a lot of things. I'm not good using my right hand for things, so it is going to be tough.

So please keep me in your prayers.