I have written a letter to Action Express to see if the person in charge could help me get my job back that I have loved so much and had so much passion for. I didn't hear anything from them for almost a month. Last week a reporter called me and told me my letter was passed to him. He said that his editor thought it would make a good article and that my voice should be heard. I was nervous and excited all in one package. My husband was totally against the whole thing. So, after his disapproval over the article I tried my hardest to get it squashed, but the reporter said to me, it needs to be heard.
Well, let me tell you something to all my readers that I am in no way prejudice and that I see all God's children were created equal. God made us different skin colors, he made us with different talents, he made us with different intelligence, he made us with different ethnic backgrounds. But, he made us all equal and to love one another. That's what I have been always taught, since I was a young child.
After reading some of the comments that have been posted after the article in yesterdays paper, you would have thought I was this horrible person. To them that don't know me, you are all wrong. I would give you my last penny if you needed it, even if I needed more. I have done that so many times in my life and I would not take that part of me back. I have help anyone that has ever needed help, whether it is money, friendship, or anything else. Your comments that have been written will not change how I feel about all the people that I have come in to contact with. Like the one person wrote, STICKS AND STONES WILL HURRT MY BONES, BUT NAMES WILL NEVER HURT ME. I have been called many names most of my life and I have let them roll off my broad shoulders.
I have done that job to the best of my ability and beyond. Here are some of the things I have done to assist a child; Years ago when Shull School on Southside Easton was a school for bad kids, I took a middle school child over their after one of my crossing shifts because he missed his bus. That child was of different color, but he was a child that always showed respect because I showed him the same respect. Yes, he was sometimes a bad ass, but he wasn't to me. Just the week prior to me losing my job I took a family of 3 to the Wilson Elementary School so they wouldn't miss their bus to the Avona School, with the mother's permission, of course. The next day she brought me a little gift, I told her no I didn't want her to do that. Her remark to me was; In my country where I am from that is what we do to show our appreciation to someone that does a nice thing. After taking this beautiful gift, I asked her where she was from and she told me Mexico. Why can't we all be like this person to everyone we come in to contact with, the world would be a better place.
My girlfriend, said to me that she can't believe that I am this upset over losing a $5,000 a year job. I told her that this job might not have paid a lot of money, but I loved the kids. Yes, not all the kids are nice kids, but they are all kids whom will grow up to be, hopefully, wonderful adults. And when they look back, I hope I made a good impression in their life, in some way or another. That is the reward in crossing, teaching, or driving a bus with school kids.