My photo
Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, United States
My world consists of my boys and their women in their lives. My grandchildren, who bring such joy to my life. My pets, who I adore very much and love watching them interact with each other. My hubby, Chuck, and his passion, Stampede Band. Plus, any ramblings I want to do. So, I hope you enjoy your visit into "My World" through my eyes.

December 27, 2007

Here are my three babies.

From left to right, we have Cody our yellow lab, he is 9 years old.  Next we have Patches our shit-pooh (our little one) we call her, she is 9 months old.  Third we have Dutchess II our golden-doodle, she is 7 months old.  I call her my puppy from hell.  The reason why I call her that is she lives up to the golden retrievers.  She ate my cell phone last week because her daddy didn't pay attention to her.  I was outside talking so she wanted to see what she could get into and she found it on my desk.  All in all she is a very loving puppy.  Patches is such a weenie, when it comes to going potty outside in the rain.  She doesn't like getting wet, but she sure likes getting dirty.  At least once a week she gets a bath because of her looking so scrounge from our muddy yard.

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