My photo
Wilson Borough, Pennsylvania, United States
My world consists of my boys and their women in their lives. My grandchildren, who bring such joy to my life. My pets, who I adore very much and love watching them interact with each other. My hubby, Chuck, and his passion, Stampede Band. Plus, any ramblings I want to do. So, I hope you enjoy your visit into "My World" through my eyes.

December 13, 2007

Our first SNOW Day from School

The weather is a bit frightful out there today, so every school in our viewing area has canceled school.  So, my plans for today is to do the wash, vacuuming, dusting, and anything else I don't have the time to do.  Well, I think I'll skip all that and just relax and watch the dust bunnies collect, LOL.

What are your plans for today on this frightful weather day?

No, really I will try to get some of those things done, while chasing 2 puppies around the house and keeping them safe from chewing everything in site, LOL.

My poor floors are going to be all mud, YUK.

1 comment:

ADP said...

I had to go to work yesterday so I left an hour early and stopped at Sam's Club to get water (it also adds weight) and then showed up in time for work. It wasn't too bad driving to work, you just had to go slow. I was nervous about going home cause I heard how bad it was all evening but when it was time to go home, the roads were clear and I made sure I stayed on main roads. So not a bad day after all.